If you constantly think about how much money you don't have, the “grid” of your life fills in with not much money because you get what you think about.
If you constantly give thanks and appreciation for all the things you do have the grid of your life fills in with abundance because abundance and gratitude is what you think about at least the majority of time.
If you only think about the things that are wrong in your body and health, the “grid of your life fills in with illness and chronic disease because you gave most of your attention, thoughts and feelings to ill health and imbalance.
If you are constantly criticizing your children and pointing out their faults you will have injured their spirit and immune system, hindering their ability to cope with life. Give unconditional love and patience to a child and they guaranteed a happy, healthy and successful adulthood because you have filled the grid of the child's life with love which attracts great health and abundance.
If you constantly think of the unpleasant moments with your life partner and their faults, you are guaranteed to have more of the same repeated over and over. If you can gather your best moments together and the traits you love, and simply give more attention to that, you are guaranteed to have more of that in your immediate future.
If the grid of your entertainment is filled with violence,hate, anger, revenge, sexual abuse and the news hour, then your life will reflect the sum of all your fears.
If the grid of your entertainment is filled with nature, animals, sports or physical exercise, music, dance, art and crafts, singing, laughing and joking around, then you are a vibrant beings who has great health and physical endurance, great wealth and abundance and great success in every area of your life !
-Come see me on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENUA_GqEyDE