As you talk to yourself, what are you choosing for your life?
You may talk about wanting to have the lifestyle, where you can do what you want, travel to every country, have homes all over the world, support your children and grand children's Education and Business enterprise, contribute large sums of money to all the charities you are passionate about, having the peace that comes when money is no longer an issue, create business where employees have an opportunity for business ownership, receive massages every day, have a variety of pets that others care of, hire coaches who like to go on adventures like climbing Machu Picchu, have dancing partners of every culture, make a movie about world peace, write a book about humans reaching their greater potentials as being of light energy, have a tie-dye art gallery in New York City, have a fashion show in Paris, go surfing, deep sea diving and sky diving, start an international children's school, have several health resorts, participate in an Iron Man, train practitioners of healing for Medicine-less Hospitals, initiate progressive Orphanages and work and study programs for parolees, and initiate a Peace army of 8000 people, from every country who feel and practice peace in their bodies, thus projecting peace for the world....................
As you talk to yourself, what are you choosing for your life?
Scientist know that EXPECTING and LOOKING for something CREATES THAT SOMETHING!
When you are afraid, you expect that which you fear and attract poverty and illness to your life. REPROGRAM your EXPECTATIONS, enter new data into your system of thinking, feeling, and talking. Research and study those who have health, wealth and self love. Use inspiring words in books, tapes, videos, workshops and seminars to obliterate the enemy within that is fear driven, violent and life denying. Join groups on and off line that have great expectations of WEALTH, HEALTH and LOVE, because we need help and coaching going up against a life time of fear based programming! Expect love and appreciation for yourself and you will love others, and they will love you back! Have high financial goals, wealth and riches that will enable you to make a dramatic difference in the lives of your family, friends, community and the globe. Our divine destiny is expanding consciousness on every plane. Great health, great wealth and a great giving heart that spreads joy and abundance is the dream life possibility you have. |
AuthorWrite something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview. Archives
January 2014