When you have an important decision to make, sleep on it first because your out- look is much clearer when you have rested your body and quieted your mind. Never make a decision when you are in a negative momentum, all you doing is speeding up a negative momentum which spirals into greater problems.
Become more deliberate in directing your momentum especially upon awakening in the morning!
Use aroma therapy. The smell of cinnamon in foods, candles and incense gives a positive momentum. Use cinnamon in your cereals and on your toast. Cinnamon also cuts the fat in foods, making them more digestible.
Use color therapy. Nature vibrates with a myriad of colors which make us feel good when we look at them. On the other hand when you see crowds of people together and the dominate color of their clothing is black, gray and brown, a feeling of depression and oppression comes through to the on looker.
A vibrant color has the power to make you and others feel more enthusiastic, therefore accelerating a positive momentum. Colors are an indication of life in balance and harmony.
Use gratitude as a therapy. When you think of all the things you appreciate and are grateful for, you clear the path to a positive momentum for the day. Give compliments at random. Hold doors for people, and act in a generous manner even if you are not in a giving mood.
Sooner than later your positive momentum will attract to you a healthier body, loving friends and financial succe$$.